Monday, December 1, 2014

9 Breast Cancer-Fighting Foods

of 9 |BEANS
 Researchers have found that women who eat legumes at least twice a week have lower rates of developing breast cancer than those who eat beans less frequently. All beans are a good source of fiber, but black beans stand out because of the high antioxidant content in their skin. Black beans may also block the circulation of estrodiol, a form of estrogen that’s a problem for those at risk for estrogen-driven breast cancer. The resistant starch found in the beans is thought to mimic estrogen enough to attach to estrogen-receptor sites, allowing excessive and harmful forms of estrogen to pass through the body.

of 9 |Blueberries
 Fresh blueberries are an excellent source of antioxidants, including cancer-fighting chlorogenic acid as well as the anthocyanin pigments that give them their color. A food's antioxidant power is measured in ORAC units—which stands for "oxygen radical absorbance capacity"—and blueberries rate the highest of any fruit or vegetable. They also contain anti-inflammatory compounds that can dampen the joint pain of arthritis, and they're an effective treatment for urinary-tract infections. In animal studies, blueberries are credited with slowing or even reversing the aging process in the brain and with improving coordination.

of 9 |Broccoli
 Broccoli is among nature’s richest sources of sulforophane, a compound that’s thought to strongly inhibit cancers. Research suggests that sulforophanes stimulate the body’s own cancer-fighting enzymes, slowing the rate of breast and prostate cancer cell growth.

of 9 |Flaxseed
 University of Toronto researchers found that women with breast cancer who ate two tablespoons of ground flaxseed each day slowed their rate of cancer-cell growth.

of 9 |Garlic
 In laboratory experiments, scientists have found that allyl sulfur and other compounds in garlic slow the growth of tumor cells.

of 9 |Green Tea
 An excellent source of catechins, potent antioxidants. Studies have found that women who sipped green tea daily were less likely to develop breast cancer.

of 9 |Mushrooms
 Portobello, cremini, button, and shiitake mushrooms all have anti-cancer properties. “Mushrooms actually contain more antioxidants than pumpkins, carrots and tomatoes,” says Karen Graham, R.D., an Arizona-based integrative nutritionist. That’s because they’re loaded with ergothioneine and selenium, two immune-boosting antioxidants that cut your risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease. Also in their corner are beta-glucans, plant chemicals found especially in shiitake and maitake mushrooms, which supercharge the immune system and may prevent cancer. In fact, a study published in the International Journal of Cancer found that women who ate 10 grams of mushrooms per day were 64 percent less likely to develop breast cancer than those who didn’t.

of 9 |Salmon
 Researchers at the University of Southern California and the National University of Singapore found that postmenopausal women who ate an average of 1.5 to 3 ounces of fish or shellfish daily were 26 percent less likely to develop breast cancer during the five years of the study than those who ate less seafood.

of 9 |Spinach
Rich in betacarotene and lutein, both powerful antioxidants. Researchers from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences found that women who ate spinach more than twice a week had lower rates of breast cancer than those who rarely ate the vegetable.
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